[cvsnt] Cannot RTag using 2.0.51d because lockserver only listenslocally???

Warren, Erik Erik.Warren at delta.com
Thu Nov 18 14:36:38 GMT 2004


I have been meaning for some time to submit a bug report regarding a
related problem but haven't gotten around to doing it.  I had a very
similar error when I upgraded from 2.0.34 to 2.0.51a.  I sent several
messages to the bulletin board regarding this on 8/10/04 and 8/11/04.
(Here is the first
http://www.cvsnt.org/pipermail/cvsnt/2004-August/014313.html )  Tony
replied that he suspected a problem with my tcp/ip communication.(
http://www.cvsnt.org/pipermail/cvsnt/2004-August/014315.html )

I went back to 2.0.34 because I wanted to use rtag and no one else
seemed interested in the problem.  Since then Dan Castenholz has also
posted to the list the same error which I got.  You can find a post from
him regarding this at

You can see from Dan's post that this problem was present in 2.0.41 and
AFAIK it has been propagated to all subsequent versions.

HTH, I would love to see this issue addressed.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Oliver Giesen
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:13 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Cannot RTag using 2.0.51d because lockserver only

I recently upgraded our CVSNT server from 2.0.7 to 2.0.51d and now I've
stumbled over something odd. Whenever I try to use rtag from a client
machine I get:

cvs [rtag aborted]: Error communicating with lock server (send)

What's this? I thought only the server itself would try to contact the
lockserver (and if it was the server that emitted this message it would
have said "cvs server" at the beginning, wouldn't it?). On the server
the configuration is set to only listen locally and the binding is
consequently for localhost:2402 (i.e. the installation defaults).
CVSROOT/config contains "LockServer=localhost:2402".

AFAICT all other commands work just fine. It's only rtag that spits out
this error...

Unfortunately I do not have direct access to the server machine so if
necessary I would first have to ask our admin to make any changes and
he's rather stressed already today. Thus I'd like to understand as much
as possible about this issue beforehands. Does the client end of rtag
really try to talk to the lockserver directly? Would I have to uncheck
the "listen locally" option or somehow edit CVSROOT/config to make it
work again? What would be possible implications?

Oh yes, connection is via :sspi: in a closed LAN environment. CVSNT is
running on the domain/AD server, which is a W2K Server (don't know about
SP, but IIRC it's not SP4 yet). Client machines are W2K Pro SP4 running
CVSNT 2.0.51d.


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)
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