[cvsnt] Re: Tagging capacity - how many files can I tag at once

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Tue Aug 23 15:40:27 BST 2005

kmknox at aep.com wrote:
> What is the capacity of the tagging function? 


> ..... 
> T 
> xxxxx/business/adaptors/xxxxx.WebServices/unitTest/xxxxx.WebServices.UnitTests/Web 
> References/Receipt/Receipt.wsdl 
> Error, CVS operation failed 

Are you using some kind of script on the server?  They often have limits 
and will error out if you hit them, especially on old servers and 
cvshome servers, which attempt to send every filename on the command line.

> Symptoms: 
> Right click on the folder to tag, and enter the name of the tag to put on 
> every file in the tree. 

Do it from the command line.. it's hard to diagnose what a frontend is 

> The TortoiseCVS dialogue pops up saying: 
> In D:\xxxxx\suites: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "tag" "-c" 
> "dd-felpm-PMTest8" "xxxxx/business" 
> CVSROOT=:pserver:idxxxxx at server:/usr/local/oldcvs 

If you're sending 'tag -c' that means every file must be checked first 
before tagging, which will be much slower than simply tagging the file.


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