[cvsnt] Tagging capacity - how many files can I tag at once

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Tue Aug 23 15:50:49 BST 2005

There *is* a known bug that concerns the taginfo handling that exists in
2.0.58 and well into the 2.0.62.xxx series.

I suggest you do the following:

1) Disable the taginfo scripting by commenting out all active lines in taginfo.

2) Now run the tag command directly from the command line thus bypassing all
  irreleveant extra layers like Tortoise etc:
  cvs tag MyTestTag

3) Observe the cvs feedback directly in the command window.

If all goes well now then re-enable your taginfo script and test again.

This should show if the taginfo handling is at fault or not.

If you find that taginfo is not the cause (same error still with disabled
taginfo) then I should advice getting and installing that,
then again test the tag command.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of kmknox at aep.com
Sent: den 23 augusti 2005 16:15
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Tagging capacity - how many files can I tag at once

What is the capacity of the tagging function? 

I am new to the whole CVS game, and am hitting the ground pretty fast. 

I have taken over a single project in which one of the subfolders holds a 
tree about 400 other subfolders, and almost 4000 files all told. Rumor has 
it that they used to be able to tag the entire tree with one motion. They 
cannot now. Now I cannot even get a sub-subfolder with 79 sub-sub-folders 
and "only" 900 files to tag all at once. If I drill down and tag smaller 
folders individually, every folder in the tree tags without error. This 
problem occurs when I tag a lot of folders at once, and it occurs whether 
I tag from the TortoiseCVS sandbox, or from a local sandbox on the Linux 
server. Once with TortoiseCVS I did cause a subfolder to begin tagging and 
then error out for no good reason, but that only happened once. When it 
errored I got: 
Error, CVS operation failed 

I tried again, and it succeeded. For those keeping score, the directory 
names are highly redundant. The 3 groups of five x's in the line above all 
represent the same string repeated 3 times in course of one directory tree 
name. This made writing taginfo scripts very challenging indeed. I do have 
a taginfo script, BTW, but I don't think that it is even called before 
this error begins to rear its ugly head. Once the script decides to start 
running on a small enough folder, it runs to completion in seconds. 

Right click on the folder to tag, and enter the name of the tag to put on 
every file in the tree. 
The TortoiseCVS dialogue pops up saying: 
In D:\xxxxx\suites: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "tag" "-c" 
"dd-felpm-PMTest8" "xxxxx/business" 
CVSROOT=:pserver:idxxxxx at server:/usr/local/oldcvs 

The window then hangs indefinitely. If I tag all the subfolders manually 
it might take 5 minutes. The window will hang for 30 minutes easily. Done 
locally on the server, the symptoms are simply that the command goes into 
waiting mode indefinitely. 

Linux CVSNT Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.58b 
(client/server) (also happens on 2.0.58d) 
TortoiseCVS version 1.8.18 
CVS version: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 

Thanks for any ideas. 

w. 200.3268 (614.716.3268)
c. 614.507.6423
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