[cvsnt] dealing with imports

Jason King jhking at airmail.net
Tue Feb 15 22:11:35 GMT 2005

Thanks to help on the list I have my commitinfo script running as I 
wish.  The problem I'm trying to resolve is that we have different tools 
to manipulate Oracle pl/sql source files and these tools use different 
filename extensions.  If one person creates a package in pl/sql 
developer (which saves packages as .pck) and then the next person uses 
Oracle Designer which uses (*.pks) then its hard to tell that xyz.pks is 
a revision of xyz.pck. 
What I did with my commitinfo scipt was disallow certain file extensions 
from being commited.  That, as I said, is working to my satisfaction.  
My problem is anyone can import a module containing *.pks (one of our 
disallowed extensions) files.  Is there  something  like commitinfo that 
works  at import time?   Is  there some way besides  beating  developers 
that violate the rule to disallow imports  like we can disallow commits 
using  commitinfo?

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