[cvsnt] Re: Test script questions

Glen Starrett grstarrett at cox.net
Sat May 14 08:42:42 BST 2005

Tony Hoyle wrote:
> The echo that runs is the cygwin one I think (the latest versions don't 
> go directly through cmd.exe normally).  Do you have your cygwin setup 
> for cr/lf?

I figured it out -- I didn't get that you were looking for an external 
echo command (when you said "don't go directly through cmd.exe" I 
thought you meant a server thing, not the test scripts in particular). 
I had cygwin installed some time ago, but it wasn't in the path.  I did 
have the GNU win32 tools installed, and it's version of echo.exe was in 
the path.  That was where the unwanted translation was coming from. 
Renaming that one and adding cygwin to the path has fixed the problem.

Here is the patch for the additions to the test script.  It now watches 
for sticky tags (symbolic and numeric) and binary removal and retrieve.

I was running this against 1927, which failed the binary 
removal/retrieve test as well as the numeric sticky tag test, but build 
1966 seems to correct the binary issues.

Glen Starrett
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