[cvsnt] Migrating CVS repository directory

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed May 25 06:47:09 BST 2005

On Wed, 25 May 2005 09:17:54 +0800, Min ZOU <zou.min at renesas.com>

>> Whats your goal with multiple repositorys?
>One primary goal is that to enable different user access control 
>policies for different repository, as they are separate projects.

That is not a good reason, in fact it is prohibiting you from sharing
common code among different projects. We have moved from an initial
configuration with 8 different repositories to a common one because we
found that we needed to use common code between projects.

>So far I only know that I can set the access control at repository 
>level, i.e. setting 'admin', 'writers', 'config' under CVSROOT 
>directory. If I only have one repository, I am not sure how to grant 
>different access rights for different modules inside.

There are several different ways to handle the permission issues:
1) You can use NTFS access permissions on directories and files within
the directory. This gives you control at a high level and is simple to
apply if you are an admin on the server and have direct file system
access to the repository.

2) You can use the cvs chacl command to set fine grained permissions
on the repository files. This has the advantage that you don't need to
be a domain admin and you don't need physical access to the repository
file system. And it makes it possible to set permissions down to
different branches on a single file. You can allow access to TRUNK
while prohibiting write access to a certain branch for example.
This is a really good solution for you.

3) You can use the readers and writers files as you have seen, but
that will apply to the whole repository and is no use to set
permissions for different developers to different modules.

Keeping a single repos means you can define virtual modules vie the
CVSROOT/modules file. This is not possile across repositories.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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