[cvsnt] Migrating CVS repository directory

Min ZOU zou.min at renesas.com
Wed May 25 07:42:08 BST 2005

Many thanks for your tips, Bo!

Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Wed, 25 May 2005 09:17:54 +0800, Min ZOU <zou.min at renesas.com>
> wrote:
>>>Whats your goal with multiple repositorys?
>>One primary goal is that to enable different user access control 
>>policies for different repository, as they are separate projects.
> That is not a good reason, in fact it is prohibiting you from sharing
> common code among different projects. We have moved from an initial
> configuration with 8 different repositories to a common one because we
> found that we needed to use common code between projects.
>>So far I only know that I can set the access control at repository 
>>level, i.e. setting 'admin', 'writers', 'config' under CVSROOT 
>>directory. If I only have one repository, I am not sure how to grant 
>>different access rights for different modules inside.
> There are several different ways to handle the permission issues:
> 1) You can use NTFS access permissions on directories and files within
> the directory. This gives you control at a high level and is simple to
> apply if you are an admin on the server and have direct file system
> access to the repository.
> 2) You can use the cvs chacl command to set fine grained permissions
> on the repository files. This has the advantage that you don't need to
> be a domain admin and you don't need physical access to the repository
> file system. And it makes it possible to set permissions down to
> different branches on a single file. You can allow access to TRUNK
> while prohibiting write access to a certain branch for example.
> This is a really good solution for you.
> 3) You can use the readers and writers files as you have seen, but
> that will apply to the whole repository and is no use to set
> permissions for different developers to different modules.
> Keeping a single repos means you can define virtual modules vie the
> CVSROOT/modules file. This is not possile across repositories.
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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Best regards,

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