[cvsnt] Re: How to Import module without modify the tag
Wisley Wisley
wisley.hk at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 10:52:37 BST 2005
I am a newbie to cvsnt. Regarding to all your command (like -k -v or
-kb), how can I make use of all these switch?
let's say I have a project call abc which already import. where and
how can I check out the project?
I try to open a dos prompt, however it keep asking me for switch -d.
2005/10/1, Lehman, Curtis <CLehman at carrieraccess.com>:
> >>Lehman, Curtis wrote:
> >> On the other project, I haven't found away around the project. Again the
> >> code is being exported from one project, this time a contract who is also
> >> using CVS and the $id$, and me importing it into my project. They can't
> use
> >> the -kv option because they have hundreds of files, a good deal of which
> are
> >-k-v will work fine for this... stopping keyword expansion on a binary
> >file is a no-op.
> >The other way is just to rename $Id$ to something else on your system
> >(or on their system).
> >Tony
> Thanks for the suggestions Tony. I am pushing the contractor to remove them.
> I did try the different command lines you suggested and none of them worked.
> (below is the details.) I am using 2.0.51d on client and server.
> I just tried the command lines:
> 1. cvs -z3 -q update -k -v -d
> 2. cvs -z3 -q update -k-v -d
> 3. cvs -z3 -q update -kv -d
> 4. cvs -z3 -q update -k v -d
> Items 3 and 4 did a keyword substitution, but converted binary files to text
> and hence corrupted the binary files. Items 1 and 2 both got back:
> C:\projects\flexengine>cvs -z3 -q update -k-v -d
> cvs update: Unknown expansion option '-'.
> cvs update: invalid RCS expansion flags
> Valid flags are one of:
> t Text file (default)
> b Binary file (merges not allowed).
> B Binary file using binary deltas (merges not allowed).
> u Unicode (UCS-2) file with BOM.
> {encoding} Extended encoding type
> Followed by any of:
> c Force reserved edit.
> k Substitute keyword.
> v Substiture value.
> l Generate lockers name.
> L Generate Unix line endings on checkout.
> o Don't change keywords.
> z Compress deltas within RCS files.
> (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
> Am I using the wrong commands at the command line? Has this functionality
> changed since the version I am using? (I am tentatively waiting for some
> planned fixes in 2.6.01 to do an upgrade.)
> Thanks,
> Curt
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