[cvsnt] Re: How to Import module without modify the tag

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Sat Oct 1 12:23:19 BST 2005

Lehman, Curtis wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestions Tony. I am pushing the contractor to remove them.
> I did try the different command lines you suggested and none of them worked.
> (below is the details.) I am using 2.0.51d on client and server. 

2.0.51d is a bit old for supporting any of this...

He doesn't have to remove them, you can just rename them (needs 2.5.01 
at least):

In CVSROOT/keywords:

   My_Id %f %v %d %a %s

Would effectively rename $Id$ to $My_Id$, for example.


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