[cvsnt] MSI installer error for custom install

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Wed Aug 16 22:30:43 BST 2006

Bo Berglund wrote:

> From the installer makefile:
> cvsnt-server:
> @bash -c "cmd.exe /c $(MAKE) /NOLOGO $(MAKEFLAGS) VERSION=`cvs
> version -q` LICENSE=gpl.rtf $@"
> As you can see there is mention of bash here too. Does this mean that
> I can use an alternate to cygwin to run the make?

If it uses bash, it probably doesn't matter what the bash is (cygwin or
something else)... there is a native port of bash from

You may need a few other unix tools... again, nice native ports are
available from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ ... best way is to run the
makefile and when it falls over see where it goes wrong and install the
tool required...

The major snafu may be that things assume the cygwin environment and they'll
break when using something else (hardcoded paths to tools is the usual
problem). As always YMMV... but IMHO its a good idea to be able to build
cvsnt from source without relying on Tony to do it... its a good way of
throwing up any problems with the build process.



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