[cvsnt] Spaces in File and Folder names.

Andreas Tscharner andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
Fri Aug 25 12:43:46 BST 2006

Andy Southby wrote:
> Thanks for all your input.
> I happen to be using scrips, auditing and TortoiseCVS and felt spaces
> may be problematic so I will be taking the advice and mandate that my
> users not use spaces. (This may cause me some problems however :), oh
> well!)

I have had a problem with my Perl script when a file had a space in it. 
As newer versions of CVSNT escapes spaces in names with a backslash, one 
of my first operation is replacing '\ ' with '%20' in the string and 
after that, I can use the remaining spaces as delimiters. Before finally 
writing a string to the disk, I have to replace '%20' with a single 
normal space.

Maybe that helps for you too?

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                          andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
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