[cvsnt] Implementing ACLs - and not effecting existing users

Cryer, Phil C. (STL) - cont PCCryer at express-scripts.com
Mon Dec 18 16:24:12 GMT 2006

I've implemented CVSNT on my Solaris box, and I can
login/checkout/checkin, but now other users can't.  They get the
following message:

cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server cvs rejected access to
/usr/local/cvsroot for user test

I created user test to verify that some users can't get access.  Problem
is I can, and another user (who I haven't put in any group, readers,
writers) file can, but most devs can't.  

This all goes back to not doing this the 'clean' way like I wanted, but
it's how this big corp is forcing me to do it.  How can I debug, or what
would be causing this?  Anything cvsnt or something else?

I'm ready to mv CVSROOT, CVSROOT-TEMP and start with a fresh one as
gen'd by CVSNT and then just cp in the old passwd file.  Would work?
Other ideas?  Thanks.

Phil Cryer
Application Engineer
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