[cvsnt] Re: rough benchmarks...

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Fri Feb 10 12:21:23 GMT 2006

John Cole wrote:

> Our benchmarking was very simple, do a software build which checks out the
> code, builds, commits and tags.  We only counted the time for the
> checkout, commit and tag.
> We expected linux (in this case Fedora Core 4) to win, but were surprised
> to
> have W2K3 server post the best numbers.  Here are our results:
> Any suggestions to why our assumptions were wrong?  We used the latest RPM
> and MSI installs.
> While not a valid benchmark it did have interesting results.

It would have been interesting to see how the reiserFS would have performed.

Also, it is not clear whether your benchmarks are for one client or many
clients running the tests simultaneously... the scalability as more clients
stress the server may be different depending on the platform (so Windows
may initially appear to be better, but Linux may scale better. YMMV).

As always, there are lies, damm lies, and benchmarks.

David Somers
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