[cvsnt] Lock server connection in server mode

Thomas Gentsch tge at blue-elephant-systems.com
Wed Nov 29 12:21:19 GMT 2006

Hello *,

after spending quite some I finally found a problem with CVSNT which I'd like to
post for discussion.

Within a java program using the netbeans CVS client, I try to check in a set of
objects. Almost consistently the check-in runs through nicely, the commit too.
Subsequently I want to attach a tag to all the files, which is preceded by a
status operation. The first status call fails:
  Error communicating with lock server (send): No such file or directory

So, the actual sequence is something like:
Happens with :pserver:... as well as with :local:... on a Windows XP Prof. SP2
with CVSNT
It does not happen on any Unix with a "normal" CVS.

Initially I thought this is some bug, but finally I found in the sources, that
the commit command just calls Lock_Cleanup() or so, which will close the lock
server connection.
If I do a reconnect after the commit(), the status() calls run through! The same
happens after the last status() before the first tag(). Again a reconnect helps.
Finally the same thing after every tag().

This might be OK if used from the command line, but not in server mode.
What do you think?


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