[cvsnt] CVSNT

bwhicks at aep.com bwhicks at aep.com
Mon Oct 29 12:43:30 GMT 2007

cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org wrote on 10/28/2007 09:06:23 AM:

> The easiest fix is just to make add the apostrophe to the blacklist. 
> It's not exactly been a major problem (I remember you mentioning it once 

> but nobody else has so it's not a common thing to want to put in a 
> filename).
> Tony

I hate to criticize the lead developer, but this sounds like a cop-out. I 
can imagine people trying to add things like "Mike's cli tool.proj" in a 
.net environment and having problems. Obviously, that's a terrible name 
for something to be released to the public, but not everything gets 
released to the public. 


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