[cvsnt] Script Execution Failed (Access Denied)

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Nov 5 19:35:23 GMT 2008


> I´m using CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 

Please upgrade to the new stable 2.5.04:

> S -> CreateProcess(,D:/cvs/CommitControl/VerifyMsg.bat 

I don't really understand what is the difference.  Are these two different servers, or the same server and two clients?  What is the CVSROOT (eg: :pserver:host:/repo) ? what permissions do you have on the repository itself?

The actual error message is self explanatory - for some reason the file cannot be read.  Try setting the server to have it's own TEMP directory in the control panel then create that temp directory with "everyone" has "full control" - if that works then you just need to narrow it down from there.  If it doesn't work then try the same "everyone" permission on the repository and repo/CVSROOT etc etc.


Arthur Barrett

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