Get to work quickly simply and reliably regardless of whether you are running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux servers or clients. All About CVS delivers all the information you need to get started in an easy to understand plain-English package, not simply the syntax of a command - but a complete course on how to implement an effective CM system with best practices for today. Buy now for £85.
All About CVS: Designing and Building an Effective Configuration Management Solution" guides your through every aspect of configuring and using CVS Suite, including Fundamentals of CM, CVS Architecture, Designing your Solution, Setting up CVSNT Server, Server Administration, Command Line CVSNT, Troubleshooting, Administrative files, Installing Integrations and Client Connection and Configuration. Detailed client workflows are described for WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, CVS Suite Studio and Release Manager.
Implementing an effective versioning solution means doing something more than simply installing some good software. Other version control tools and the books written about frustratingly focus on the tiniest details while providing no easy entrypoint for the time-poor professional who doesn't want their job to be overtaken with version control.
The purpose of adopting CM is to ensure the integrity of your work and to make managing the evolution of files and documents easier. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned expert in CVS, PVCS, Visual SourceSafe or other CM systems, "All About CVS" will lead you quickly and easily into setting up and running a system which not only records changes to files, but helps you manage your projects and simplify the completion of those projects.
IDC Bulletin #22311E - June 2000

CM CBD and eBusiness
Those in the best position to thrive in this changing industry will be the vendors providing tools that can help developers respond to the rapid changes that are the hallmark of ebusiness.
These tools need to seamlessly accommodate the various skill sets of the development teams and must readily scale to meet the requirements of enterprise application development.
In addition, even though the Web-application development and deployment environment is extremely complex, winning tools will be easy to learn and use.
Server Configuration Explained
All About CVS explains how to implement versioning so that it can effectively manage your day to day project work and yet also allow you manage review processes, testing and other quality control before finishing projects and send them to web sites or application servers. You ensure that versioing is easy to use on a day to day basis by correctly configuring and integrating the server processes at the beginning. All About CVS takes you through the decisions you need to make, and then describes how to turn those decisions into a specific server configuration.
Designing a secure installation with chroot jail, secure authentication and communication is an essential part of a CM solution in todays risk averse business environments. All About CVS describes which protocols should be used in which environments and how to configure SSH, SSL and SSPI authentication. CVSNT Access Control mechanisms for securing projects, directories and branches is explained in detail with clear easy to use examples.
Working with Eclipse Clients
The powerful Eclipse development environment work seamlessly with CVSNT however is explained nowhere else but in "All About CVSNT". The CVS Client built into Eclipse was designed long before Microsoft Active Directory or other modern authentication techniques and secure protocols became the de-facto standards. All About CVS describes how to configure Eclipse Windows Clients to use SSPI authentication, and how to configure SSH authentication on Mac OS X and Windows.
Configuring TortoiseCVS
TortoiseCVS is the most wonderfully easy to use graphical front end to CVSNT available - little wonder advocates have christened it "Enjoyable Version Control". All About CVS explains how to configure and use TortoiseCVS including: read-only files, shared workspaces with Eclipse, SSH client configuration, integration with defect tracking, change sets and more.
Integrating CVSNT Server
CVS Suite provides easy to setup solutions for integrating the CVSNT Server with Defect Tracking, Build Management, E-Mail and even Audit stored in MySQL, SQLlite or ODBC databases. All About CVS incudes detailed instructions on setting up these integrations.
Server Maintenance
All About CVSNT takes you through the daily maintenance tasks such as backup as well as troubleshooting guides for the most common problems.
The complete table of contents for the eBook is available to download here.